Transform Pain & Illness
Caleb Gate's
I am passionate about addressing your needs with care and dedication. I am genuinely focused on your healing. I am inspired for people like you to restore your mobility, comfort and quality of life by achieving balance and renewal. My intention is to help you achieve healing so that you may experience a greater sense of well-being and a vital, thriving life.
My enthusiasm comes from years of witnessing the healing power and long lasting benefits that acupuncture and Chinese Medicine bring to my clients' lives.
"A life that has more balance and energy can recover more easily when navigating through tough times." - my personal conviction
I use the power of acupuncture to awaken the transformative healing powers that already exist within your body. I specialize in reducing and eliminating pain, injury care, allergies, digestion, metabolism, stress and anxiety issues. I can help you with your pain, chronic headaches, migraines, injuries and recurring strain and overuse patterns from work or sports.
How does Acupuncture work? Find out:
"When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything."
- Lao Tzu
People are talking about Caleb...
Caleb states, “Every Acupuncture treatment is an intervention for better health.” I love this positive approach to his profession and have been cured, over many years of: Numbness of feet, dry eyes, lymphatic constriction and arthritic hand pain. One of the many benefits of Caleb’s treatments is that your general well-being is addressed while you are being treated for some specific problem. I refer my co-workers, family and friends because of Caleb’s genuine care and concern for their comfort and cures. He is gentle, extremely knowledgeable in the vast area of Chinese Medicine and much admired by the community for his generous services.
Veryl Rosenbaum
Free Book!
If a Tiny Pin Prick could make your Pain Go Away,
would you do it? Yes, of course you would!
Ability to work and enjoy life severely limited?
Nothing working? Frustrated?
Read how Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine heals your health problems and many common ailments. Make your health a priority, don’t let the small problems of today become the big problems of tomorrow. Explore the truth about Acupuncture now...

It seems as if no matter what type of ailment you may have, there are never any quick and easy treatment choices. Even the smallest cold or bruise can bring with it long lasting aches and pains, and you do not always have time to schedule an appointment with a doctor’s office. When you have aches, pains, and other discomforts, it can be difficult to find the simple solution.
Caleb at Durango Acupuncture has been treating more patients with a full range of ailments. Caleb is one of the most experienced local Durango acupuncturists. Moreover, while some may have misconceptions about what acupuncture is and how it works, the benefits of choosing us, speak for themselves.
No Fear Necessary
Those who have a fear of needles, or who
find medical needles are too painful, are in luck!
Acupuncture needles are smaller than hypodermic needles, sometimes as much as 50 times smaller! In fact, the vast majority of patients experience no pain at all, and most that do seem to only recognize a brief period of discomfort or a warming sensation.
This sensation is to be expected since the insertion of acupuncture needles relieves pressure and pain placed on nerves. This also targets pressure points and areas of tension and inflammation.
By releasing this deep rooted tension, you can promote a natural healing system that works harder for longer periods of time. Most patients report feeling more relieved and less stressed for longer stretches of time between treatments, all without the use of toxic pain medications!

Better Treatment
We strive to offer the best quality acupuncturists Durango has to offer with more services for all of your needs. Whether you suffer from regularly occurring pain or can never seem to get rid of lingering bloat, we can find an efficient and affordable solution for you. There are many different methods out there today, but not all Durango, Colorado, area acupuncturists know how to offer many different types of solutions.
Many people are not well versed about acupuncture, making them wary of trying it. What they may not know is that almost every region and culture has relied on acupuncture in some form or another for thousands of years. Initially, the practice began in China, and many people still rely on acupuncture for a variety of symptoms and sources of pain and discomfort.
Complete Relief Options
Some may think that what we do is only for physical pain, or that acupuncture is more of a “spa treatment.” However, acupuncture has long been the preferred method of treating chronic pain conditions, chronic & acute illnesses, and even some mental health conditions.
When you choose us, we provide top quality solutions for any issues that you may have. Come in today and experience a better source of relief for:
And more sources of pain and discomfort.
No matter what is keeping you from living life to the fullest, we can assist in easing your problems the natural way. Historians believe the practice of acupuncture began as far back as 100 B.C., and possibly even before written history. The reason that it offers a better source of relief for more problems is the mechanics behind what makes acupuncture so effective. Acupuncture certainly has ancient roots in Asian cultures, but it has grown more and more common in our culture because acupuncture works.
View Caleb's other Specialties:
The Trusted Option
Even certified hospitals, doctors, and other modern health care facilities rely on acupuncture techniques. By targeting areas of the body that is blocking neurological pathways and disrupting the flow of blood, as well as the central nervous system, more types of chronic ailments can be alleviated. By freeing the body of stress, tension, pinched nerves, and inflammation, the body’s natural defenses can run more efficiently without fighting off minor forms of pain throughout the body.
Another common misconception about undergoing acupuncture is that it may be a painful process. However, there are a variety of different sizes and shapes of needles utilized in the various forms of treatment that we offer, and many patients are not even aware of when they are inserted. The real mark of mastery for more proficient acupuncture technicians is being able to insert most needles into the epidermis without causing pain and discomfort; in fact, when done properly you will feel more relaxed as a result.
Because the practice of acupuncture works directly with the body’s nervous system, this style of treatment is being utilized for more types of patients. While originally the use of acupuncture may have been relied on to reduce stress, its applications have been endorsed by more medical professionals for a variety of different issues in patients. Everything from substance abuse and dependence, depression and even those suffering the side effects of chemotherapy treatments have reported significant improvement from correctly applied acupuncture helping them heal.
Get relief from pain, stress and debilitating symptoms. Regain movement and return to activities you love or need to do. Improve your quality of life. Most health problems are caused by imbalances. Acupuncture is a system that corrects those imbalances by stimulating the body's natural ability to heal. End Cycles of pain and stress. Restore optimal health.
You have many options in local Durango acupuncture practitioners. However, Caleb has many years of experience in providing an alternate source of healing to Durango. Other treatment choices for chronic pain and reccurring conditions involve far more invasive techniques, as well as prescription treatments that are addictive and expensive.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine address the mind, body and spirit, thus thus it is a Holistic Medicine. To accomplish this, a mutual commitment is needed to attain the degree of healing you desire. Caleb is committed to the therapeutic relationship to help guide and promote your healing and to consistently provide exceptional care.
Invest in your health and call Caleb to schedule your initial appointment which includes a detailed history, exam, assessment and treatment. Caleb will discuss your health concerns, healing needs and goals at the initial appointment...
1199 Main Avenue #220
Durango, Colorado 81301
Tel: 970 - 259-9488